Code of Civil Procedure, 1908–Order 21, Rule 26 r/w. Sec. 151–Rajasthan Rent Control Act, 2001–Sec. 9–Application in execution proceedings with the submission that the compromse entered between the parties was not a valid compromise–Dismissal of–Petitioner was in possession of premises and he was to vacate the premises on or before 30.06.2022–Execution proceedings were initiated, when he did not comply the compromise–Application filed by him was totally malicious and with all ill intents–He raised no objection till the stipulated date 30.06.2022 and it was raised only when the exeuction proceedings were initiated–He, on his own will, signed the compromise while appearing in person before the Lok Adalat–Even the compromise was not signed by the land-lord-respondent, his counsel was very well authorised to sign the compromise in terms of Order 23, Rule 3–Held, application was rightly rejected.