Evidence Act, 1872–Secs. 65(e) & 74–Registration Act, 1908–Sec. 57–Certified copy of sale deed–Way of establishment–Appellant produced the certified copy of sale deed (Exhibit A-1)–It was registered with the office of sub-Registrar–When the original document is a public document in meaning of Sec. 74, secondary evidence relating to it vis. as to existence, condition or contents may be given by producing the certified copy–Further, the Sec. 57(5) of Registration Act also provides that the certified copy given under the provisions of 57 of the Act shall be admissible for the purpose of proving the contents of its original document–Findings of the High Court that the certified copy of Ex. 1 owing to the failure in production of the original and proving through an independent witness is inadmissible in evidence, is legally unsustainable.