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Anvar P. V. vs. P. K. Basheer & Ors. (SC)


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Evidence Act, 1872–Sec. 65B(2)–Electronic record–Admissibility of–Four satisfying conditions.
(i) Electronic record containing the information should have been produced by the computer during the period over which the same was regularly used to store or process information for the purpose of any activity regularly carried on over that period by the person having lawful control over the use of that computer,
(ii) the information of the kind contained in the electronic record of the kind from which the information is derived was regularly fed into the computer in the ordinary course if the said activity,
(iii) During the material part of said period, the computer was operating properly and that even if it was not operating properly for some time, the break & breaks had not affected either the record or the
accuracy of its contents, and,
(iv) The information contained in the record should be a reproduction or derivation from the information fed into the computer in the ordinary course of said activity.