Penal Code, 1860–Secs. 304-B & 498-A–Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961–Sec. 3/4–Acquittal–Reversed by High Court–Justification–Death was caused due to consuming poison–View of High Court that on a relevant day only the appellant was nearest to the victim–High Court neglected the evidence of cordial relations between the two families by ignoring the letters written by the mother of deceased–Demand of money for purchasing the scooter also not proved–Appellant took the deceased hospital–This fact was negetively considered by High Court that this act was performed by the appellant to avoid any suspicion of his involvement–No reason was given by High Court for this conclusion–Version of the prosecution that deceased came out of her house crying and shouting that she has administered poison by her husband but neighbours were not examined for proving this fact–Serious error in reversing the findings of acquittal–Order impugned set aside.