Penal Code, 1860–Sec. 498A–FIR and consequential proceedings–Sustainability–Appellant is the brother-in-law of respondent-complainant–Complainant admitted before the Family Court that her entire stridhan jewellary is with her husband–She made the complaint against the appellant before the High Court–This aspect bears out her animosity against her in-laws and more particularly against the appellant–General allegations were made in the complaint–Appellant is a Judicial Officer and there was no occasion for him to live with the complainant and her husband–It is difficult to comprehend that he would demand the car and cash for his own at the time of marriage of his sister-in-law–Motive to wreak vengeance is established–Further, the complaint was filed after four years of leaving the matrimonial home and just before her husband instituted the divorce proceedings–FIR and consequential proceedings qua the appellants are liable to be quashed.